Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend because I sure did.
Friday I woke up feeling so rough, my allergies are really playing up lately and I felt terrible. My eyes were all red and puffy and I kept sneezing, I had plans to go to the gym with my friend but I felt so bad I just stayed in bed. I managed to get up around 12PM to make some food and then I crawled back into bed to watch the rest of Orange Is The New Black. I didn't think season 3 was all that good to be honest.
Saturday I went furniture shopping with my grandparents. We went to a few different places and managed to score some bargains for them. On the way back home we stopped in the Harvester to have some food and then I headed to the gym. After I came home from the gym I sat outside in the garden with a strawberry frozen daiquiri and a magazine.
Sunday I attended my aunty's 80th birthday party. We had a BBQ food, dessert and wine which was perfect. I got to see all my extended family that I haven't seen in about 5 years which was really nice. The only downside was that the weather didn't cooperate, it was raining pretty heavy the whole day. So we ended up having to cook everything indoors instead of outside! Around 4PM the sun started to come out so we hopped outside and had birthday cake outside in the sun. They had a trampoline in the garden so I used the excuse that I was taking my little cousin on there and had a go myself. I left around 6.30PM to head home and I finished the night with a hot bubble bath and Law&Order SVU.
*Sadly no photos this week as my phone has been in repair since last Thursday! I am having a new screen as I broke the screen last week on my phone*
Friday I woke up feeling so rough, my allergies are really playing up lately and I felt terrible. My eyes were all red and puffy and I kept sneezing, I had plans to go to the gym with my friend but I felt so bad I just stayed in bed. I managed to get up around 12PM to make some food and then I crawled back into bed to watch the rest of Orange Is The New Black. I didn't think season 3 was all that good to be honest.
Saturday I went furniture shopping with my grandparents. We went to a few different places and managed to score some bargains for them. On the way back home we stopped in the Harvester to have some food and then I headed to the gym. After I came home from the gym I sat outside in the garden with a strawberry frozen daiquiri and a magazine.
Sunday I attended my aunty's 80th birthday party. We had a BBQ food, dessert and wine which was perfect. I got to see all my extended family that I haven't seen in about 5 years which was really nice. The only downside was that the weather didn't cooperate, it was raining pretty heavy the whole day. So we ended up having to cook everything indoors instead of outside! Around 4PM the sun started to come out so we hopped outside and had birthday cake outside in the sun. They had a trampoline in the garden so I used the excuse that I was taking my little cousin on there and had a go myself. I left around 6.30PM to head home and I finished the night with a hot bubble bath and Law&Order SVU.
*Sadly no photos this week as my phone has been in repair since last Thursday! I am having a new screen as I broke the screen last week on my phone*

- 03:20