

I confess that...
  • I am still mourning the end of Christmas. It flew by so fast and I was so busy around the Christmas season that I never took time to really enjoy it. I finally took down my tree today and I am so sad about it. My favourite part was sitting by the fire with the twinkling of the lights and watching a film.
  • I have started watching a new TV series called The Affair. It has been around for a few years but I only recently started watching it. I may not have watched all 2 seasons in a week.

  • All I have eaten this week for dinner is pizza. You can never have too much pizza right?
  • I haven't shaved my legs in a really long time, I am talking months. It takes too much effort when they are just being covered by pants anyway.
  • I just signed up for Instagram, I know I am probably the last one to have an Instagram account but better late than never right? Follow me courtjonesxx
What are you confessing? Please tell me so I don't feel alone on the hot mess express.

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  1. Haha I love this! Instagram is my favorite social media platform!! I know you will love it--find me @mrsdellefave so I can add you! I too am not happy Christmas is over. I loved my trees all lit up and pretty. I really need to workout again!

    1. I know it's already been 17 days of 2016 its flying by! I am with you on working out, I managed to do it 3 times last week such an improvement.

  2. hahaha too funny! I'm totally with you with the Christmas thing - I'm in shock!

    1. Christmas and New year is all a blur as I was rushing around, so wish I soaked it in more!

  3. Amen to number one and it happens to me every year! I need to get organized better so I can actually enjoy it.

    1. I know I am always buying last minute gifts and wrapping a few nights before Christmas that I am way to stressed to truly enjoy the season!

  4. Girl, there is NO such thing as too much pizza! Never! And I haven't even heard of The Affair but if you binge watched it then it must be good!

    1. Seriously being a student I think I eat pizza for every meal and I wonder where these extra pounds have come from.

  5. I forgot a razor on our mini vacation, and I was going crazy after a week, ha! And Instagram is my favorite form of social media, welcome!

    1. I am usually on my shaving game as I feel so much more put together with nicely shaved pins but I kinda forgot over Christmas oops!


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