Move In Week...


This week has been hectic so far between packing up boxes, saying goodbye to family and friends, spending one last night at my family home and loading up my belongings in my dads car ready for my new adventure.

There were a lots of tears shed but I am confident I have made the right decision and cannot wait to start making my new home my own home. 

This is my home for the next year, not a bad view if you ask me. 

So I am taking a break for the rest of the week whilst I finish moving into my brand new flat! But as always you can find me updating on my favourite app Snapchat my username is: courtjonesxx

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  1. Not a bad view at all!!! So excited for your new adventure! Have a safe move! Can't wait to hear more details!

    1. Watching the sunset by the lake is my favourite thing so far! Thank you so much I'll be sure to keep you updated.

  2. Good luck with the move! I hope everything goes smoothly! I am a little bit jealous of your beautiful view!

    1. Thank you so much! Moving is so stressful but so far so good, now onto the fun things decorating (as much as I am allowed)
      The view makes me all kinds of happy!


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