A Very Low Key Weekend...


This weekend was full of relaxation and Netflix considering I was out for the count most of the weekend.

Friday it was my little cousins birthday, he turned 8 and I can't believe how quick he is growing. I surprised him by turning up for his birthday celebrations and stayed the night. When he opened the door and seen me he was so shocked and excited and wouldn't leave me alone the whole night. We played on the Xbox, played monopoly, watched the Minion movie and had take out food. Nothing better than family time, such a great start to my weekend. 

I planned on Saturday to start packing up the rest of my things ready to move considering I only have 2 weeks until move in day but my friend called and asked if I wanted to go shopping, so I tagged along and spent the day at my local shopping centre.

I remembered that in the beginning of October my university is putting on a welcome ball and I desperately needed an outfit for that. I was originally looking for a long dress but being 5 foot 1 they were all too long for me so I ended up going for a midi dress. It isn't exactly a ball type dress but oh well. 

This is the dress I ended up buying.
I decided to go with navy.

I also couldn't go shopping and not pick up any bits for Fall so I ended up coming home with 2 candles, a plaid shirt and new ankle boots. 

I left around 3 ish as I wasn't feeling too well, I still haven't got rid of the cold I have now had for 3 weeks and I keep feeling dizzy/faint. So I fixed myself some homemade butternut squash soup and a grilled cheese sandwich to see if that would fix it. 

I then settled down on the sofa with a cup of tea, a blanket and had a good 2 hour nap. When I woke up it was 7 o'clock and I decided to have a nice hot bath (nothing better when you are ill) and ended up watching Trainwreck on my laptop. I loved this film so much, bit rude in places but that didn't bother me. I think I went to sleep around 9pm as I just wasn't feeling myself.
Sunday I still didn't feel well so I cancelled the lunch date I had with my friend and instead had a date with my bed and Netflix. My mum was kind enough to bring me chicken noodle soup and some hot squash whilst I just napped, caught up on blog reading, made a few blog posts and watched season 7 of Castle (ready for when it comes back on next week) 

Happy Monday everyone, I am spending this morning in a germ invested doctors office having some shots and seeing if they can tell what is wrong with me #notfun

Bella And The City    

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  1. Hey! I'm 5'0 and have the same problem. This may sound trashy but I have literally taken a pair of scissors to the bottom of every long dress I own and cut off the last few inches and nobody can ever tell! Just an idea!

    1. I will definitely try this idea. Although I will have to ask my mum to do it because I will never trust myself doing it. It is so annoying being short sometimes.

  2. That dress is super cute! I think it will be perfect for the event!

    1. Thank you, I just don't want to be underdressed but a lot of people said they are wearing a midi dress!


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