Weekend Happenings...


Nothing spectacular happened over the weekend so this will be a short and sweet recap! I pretty much lazed around all weekend which was much needed after a whole week of being on vacation and partying for the whole week.

Friday I had plans to go shopping with my nan but it was raining and we didn't fancy going in the rain so I hung around my nans for the morning. 

It was like this all day and did not let up. Freezing temperatures along with wind and rain no thank you.
My grandad bought cookies from Miss Millies cookies so I enjoyed one or two before going home. I may of ate them all before I had time to snap a picture. But I had the white chocolate and raspberry and the salted caramel cookie. Then I decided to sort out my wardrobe because it was so unorganised and I was going insane. It took me around 3 hours to do and I was exhausted. I took an afternoon nap before tidying around the house a little. Friday night it was my turn to cook dinner so I got started on that. I cooked pulled pork, corn on the corb and potato salad. It was so delicious. I ended the night playing an intense game of cards with my family. 

Saturday I got up early and went for a run which never happens. It started to rain and got ridiculously cold so I headed home after 25 minutes but some exercise is better than nothing. I then headed to Tesco which is a shop that sells clothes, electrical items and food. I may of bought 3 tubs of Ben&Jerry's ice cream. Later on in the evening I went to an Italian resturant with my father.

I managed to take a quick photo of my outfit before I left and before I spilt wine down my white shorts.
I was so hungry I didn't have time to take a picture of my food but it was one of the best lasange I have ever tasted. After food we went out to the patio area and enjoyed a bottle of wine before calling it a night. 

Sunday  I stayed in and helped my mother prepare dinner. We had a traditional roast dinner with white chocolate and strawberry cheesecake for dessert. I then spent the rest of the day/night watching Castle with my mother. We are starting from the beginning as we only caught season 4 when it was on the TV one time so we are a few seasons behind considering series 7 has just launched.  I ended up falling asleep on the sofa and woke up Monday morning still on the sofa oops.

What did you get up to over the weekend? Anything exciting or worth sharing? I hope you have a fantastic week!

Bella And The City  

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  1. white chocolate and strawberry cheesecake sounds amazing!!

    1. It was absolutely amazing! I made it myself with the help of my mama and it turned out better than expected!

  2. Haha the rain can cancel my plans so quickly - I hate going out in it! Sounds like a fun weekend.

    1. Tell me about it, the rain makes me and my hair wet so it is so not worth going out in it.

  3. Bummer about all the rain! The cookies and ice cream sound delicious though!

    1. I know I hate rain it ruins everything but least I got something productive done by cleaning out my closet! They were delicious ice cream and cookies are definitely my favourite!


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