My Weekend In Numbers...


Because the easiest way to recap the weekend is by numbers duh..

13- The number of episodes binge watched of Law&Order SVU.
1- The number of times I left my house to go and get a manicure and pedicure. 
4- The number of bottles of wine consumed.
0- The number of times I exercised this weekend. 
1- The number of take outs eaten. 
30- the amount of pounds I spent on a pair of white shorts that will probably be ruined by the end of summer. 
10- The time I removed myself from bed on Saturday morning.
2- The number of people I interacted with the whole weekend.
4- The number of naps I took the whole weekend.
10- The number of times I told myself I would clean my room, that never got cleaned. 
9- The time I was in bed by on Sunday. 
3- The number of bowls of popcorn consumed on on Sunday.
0- The number of photos taken the whole weekend because as you can see I was way too busy.

Bella And The City


You'll find me all day packing ready for vacation, why do I always leave things to the last minute!

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  1. Law & Order SVU marathons are one of my favorites :)

    1. I know, there is so many series so I just keep binge watching. It is so bad for my summer plans because I love Benson so much!

  2. Replies
    1. I love relaxing weekends too! It was perfect just what I needed.

  3. This is such a fun post idea! I have totally done the same with SVU haha.

    1. I am glad I am not the only one that binge watches way to much SVU ha! Thanks for visiting!

  4. This is such a fun idea! Four wine bottles sounds like a fabulous weekend!

    1. I could of drunk way more than four bottles after the week I had but I can't handle my drink well so it wouldn't of been a pretty sight! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Well your weekend sounds awesome! The perfect ratio of wine, exercise, naps, & take out!

    1. I needed a relaxing weekend after the week I had ha! Who has time for exercise when there is a perfectly comfortable bed waiting for me!

  6. I freaking love the way you recapped with numbers!
    Thanks for linking up!

    1. I love linking up every week with you such a fab link up! Thank you for commenting!


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