A Day In The Life...


I seen these types of posts floating around blogland this week so thought I would join in! I also love to see what other peoples days are like so here is a normal day in the life for me.

8am: Wake up.

I try to be awake by 8am but sometimes it is more like 10am. I know this seems like a luxury to some of you working folks or mamas but I am not a morning person so I find it difficult to wake myself up at 8am. Lately I have been setting my alarm for 8am because getting up any later and it seems as though the day is running away from me! 

I stay in bed for an hour or so checking any of my social media accounts and reading some blog posts that I haven't managed to read. It is so nice to not have to jump out of bed the moment my alarm sounds. 

9-10am: Get out of bed.

I pluck myself from the comfort of my own bed and do some chores around the house. This involves making my bed, putting away any dishes from the night before and sorting out laundry. 

10.30am- Exercise.

I usually try and get some exercise in whether that is having a quick run or going to the gym or going to some sort of class. The weather has been beautiful lately so I have been running along the canal with my headphones in. I can finally say that my fitness is improving! I am running for a much longer period of time now yay.  

12pm- Shower and dinner time.

After coming home from the gym I take a nice long shower and get ready for the day. Although this usually involves me wearing yoga pants or pajamas. Come on you didn't think I would put on 'real' clothes to stay in my house do you? After getting ready I make some dinner, usually soup or some kind of light concoction. Whilst eating said food I usually relax however way I please, I usually use this time to binge watch any shows I am watching. Lately it is Law&Order SVU.

2pm- Errands.

This is the time I use to run errands or go and see some friends/family. I usually go grocery shopping or catch up with a friend over coffee at this time. For the past few days I have been sitting outside with a cocktail in hand, chatting away with my friend. The weather is just too good not to enjoy!

How can you not enjoy this?

5pm- Dinner time.

I start preparing dinner around 5PM. I love that it is summer because dinner time is usually so easy to prepare and food is usually done in about 15 minutes! Lately I have been really digging baked potatoes with corn on the cob. I have been eating this meal outside on the deck with a nice glass of wine. 

These are the bake potatoes I have been recreating. Stuffed with bacon and cheese mm!

7pm- Blog work.

This is when I dedicate a few hours to blog work. I read as many posts as I can and also comment on as many as I can. I do this for around an hour or so. Then I dedicate the last hour to writing up a few posts and getting some ideas for future posts into my drafts folder. 

9PM- Switching off.

I switch my laptop off and grab some snacks (usually ice cream or some popcorn) and watch some of my shows. This usually involves Big Brother! I have really been into watching the show this year and I really want Joel to win. It may have something to do with the fact that he is Welsh who knows;)

10-11PM- Bedtime.

I love my sleep and aim to get at least 9-10 hours a night! Otherwise if I don't have a good and long sleep I am so moody. It has been so hot lately that I have just been exhausted and end up crashing around 10/11PM. Before I go to sleep I try to write in my journal but I doesn't always happen. 

What's your favorite part of your day?

A Beautiful Mess

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  1. Thank you for joining us! I love seeing how everyone spends their day. And those potatoes look amazing! Ah what a perfect meal- potatoes and wine!

  2. I loved this link up! I also love looking into how others spend their day. I love wine and nothing better in this hot weather! Thanks for stopping by:)


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