Friday Fives...


1) My hair desperately needs a cut. I haven't had it cut in about 9 months and it is just a hot mess. It won't style right and it is full of dead ends. I love the length of my hair as short hair doesn't suit me at all but it definitely needs a good amount of length off it and a completely new style. 

I really like the length and style of this what do you think?

2) I can't get enough of eating Cheetos. They don't do them where I live so when I went on vacation I made sure that I stocked up on them. I have already eaten a whole bag to myself! I just can't stop at just a handful, I end up eating the whole bag. I need to remember that I am not on vacation anymore so the days of eating what I want is over. 

3) I have only been back from vacation for a day and I am already dreaming of my next vacation. I would really like to go to Mexico for my next vacation. The beaches look so beautiful and it just seems like the perfect getaway. Have any of you been to Mexico and could recommend any places or hotels?



I found this top on Etsy and I am definitely going to pull the plug and buy it. I can see me wearing it all the time because who wants to adult anyway;)

5)  After eating like a pig on vacation and not caring about what goes into my body and doing 0 exercise I have decided that I am going to make a conscious effort to start up my healthy lifestyle again. I am going to start working out at least every other day and eat healthy every day except the weekends where I will allow myself the odd treat. Do any of you have good healthy meal recommendations? I am much better at exercising than I am healthy eating so any recipes would be much appreciated. 


I hope you all have an amazing weekend! Mine will consist of catching up on sleep and spending time with family. 

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  1. Love that hairstyle! Oh and I need that I can't adult today shirt!

    1. I just bought it and I can see myself living in it. I hate adulting. Especially on a Monday morning!

  2. There are some fun parts about adulting. Mom can't stop me from eating ice cream at 10:00 AM. :)

    1. Oh I totally agree there are some fun parts to adulting, I love how I can do what I want but sometimes it sucks being the responsible one ha! I eat ice cream all the time it is my favourite!

  3. I love cheetos! Lately I've been snacking on pringles though...I'd eat a whole can if I could (oh wait I already do). And definitely need that t-shirt!

    liz @ sundays with sophie

    1. Pringles are my worst enemy, I always end up eating the whole can. You can never stop at just a few so bad for my waistline ha!


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