
Whats Hap-pinning Wednesday {7}


The weather around here has been horrible lately with temperatures reaching -3 degrees. Usually as soon as the cold weather hits I am ready to get my booty on a plane and head to somewhere warmer. So all I have been doing lately is dreaming, researching and booking about a summer vacation where I can get some sun on this pasty skin of mine. Planning a vacation to somewhere is what gets me through these harsh winter months.

These are the top 4 places where I would want to travel to this Summer...

1| New York

There is just something about NYC that just gets me. It is one of those must see places that you have to go to once in your life (personally), I have been dreaming about going to New York ever since I was a little girl. Empire state building, Statue of Liberty, Central Park, 9/11 memorial, all the shopping and everything else in between, New York I am coming for you. 

2| Amsterdam 

Considering I live in the U.K I really should take advantage more of the cheap flights to Europe. I have never been to Amsterdam but just looking at the pictures of all the beautiful canals is just picturesque. I really would like to just take in all the beautiful scenery by foot or by bike and this city seems perfect for that amongst other things.  My friend went there and she really enjoyed it and it definitely by passed her expectations.

3) Paris 

Oh Paris! Paris is one of my very favourite cities to visit. I have been twice and am going for a third time in July and I am so stinking excited. I haven't been since I was 15 which was 4 years ago so I can't wait to visit all my favourite places and also the fact that I won't have to rush around like a tourist because I have seen most of the tourist spots before. Although I will visit the Eiffel tower again and obviously Disney Land is a must but other than that I am free. The food is delicious in Paris so many lovely cafes to go to for a bite to eat. The ambiance, the scenery and everything else makes Paris one of my all time favourite cities.

4| Italy


My next door neighbours visit Italy at least once every year and love it so much. After seeing all their pictures and hearing all their stories it has made me want to go so much. Venice, Rome, Florence and Sicily would be amazing. After all Italian is my favourite cuisine and nobody does pizza like Italians so I have heard. 

What is on your travel bucket list? Do you get to cross anything off that list this summer or are you just dreaming? 

PS If you have any recommendations about hotels, places to eat, things to do in any of the above cities then do let me know!

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  1. Paris and Italy might be visited by moi this year and i'm SOOOO EXCITED!

    1. I would definitely recommend Paris, I love it! I am heading there this year too in July cannot wait. So jealous of the fact Italy may be visited, hopefully I can cross it off my list soon.

  2. ahhhh I want to go back to Italy so badly!!!

    1. I am so jealous you got to experience Italy, I want to go to Venice, Rome and Florence so badly.

  3. I would love to go to Paris someday! I also want to visit Ireland. These kind of trips will probably have to be down the road for us, when the kids are older.

    1. You'll love Paris so much! Such a gorgeous place. Never been to Ireland despite living in the U.K hopefully I get up to visit there one day.

  4. I loveeee Paris too!! We went this past April and it was beautiful!! Also, New York in September is AMAZING!! I absolutely adore NYC. And YESSSSS take advantage of those cheap European fares! I'm so jealous that we don't have options like that to travel in the US! As for our bucket list, I've been kicking around Prague and Budapest, but part of me thinks that I need/want to do those during the Christmas market season!

    1. Paris is just one of those places that I keep venturing back too! It'll be so nice this time to act like one of the locals instead of rushing around with a full intinary like a tourist!
      I can't wait to go to NYC, everyone keeps recommending I go near Christmas but it'll be even more crowded and I'm not liking the chances of it being cold!
      I would definitely recommend going to those places near Christmas time. A few people I know have gone and can't get enough of the markets.


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